E-Parks stands for Environmental and Administrative knowledge Networks for a Better Tourist Attractiveness in Protected Natural Areas and aims at enhancing the accessibility and the touristic potential of protected natural areas (PNAs) in Apulia Region and Greece. E-Parks is based on the analysis carried out on the market demand of accessibility of natural areas, having regards to previous projects and on-going experiences. The idea focuses on the valorisations of the existing infrastructures to be equipped with specific instruments thus to improve the accessibility for people with special needs. The sustainability of the territory appears through its capacity to joint economic, social and environmental issues and to reverse them on the territory in terms of generating wellbeing, thanks to a sustainable governance model integrated to tourism activities. Thanks to the project, Pilot Cases for the accessibility for people with special needs will be implemented in Gargano National Park (IT); an innovative APP, which informs about accessibility characteristics for different kind of places of interest in Greece, will be launched; E-Parks project is funded for € 898.098,56by Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020 under the Priority Axis 2 -Integrated Environmental Management